How did the newly-married girl get through the first night (Figure)

:: How do newly-married girls get their first night (Figure)

How to live a good first night is a problem that every married girl cares about. Some people say that the first and first few sexual lives of a newly-married night are very important. If it is not good, it will affect the sexual life between husband and wife in the future and affect the feelings of the couple. It is of course very good to have a satisfactory sex life in the first and first few sexual lives. But there are also some things that are not very satisfying, because newlyweds often lack sexual knowledge. The two parties have just come into contact with each other, and they are prone to nervousness, shyness and fear. It is also normal to have a bad sex life. However, it is best to have a good wedding night. Specific attention should be paid to the following points:

1, to pay attention to external genital health you and your husband on the wedding night, use warm water and neutral soap to wash the genitals. Because of the purchase of goods for marriage and the reception of friends and relatives, the newly-married couples are busy and tired. Men's smegma and vaginal secretions of women are increased. If they are not cleaned, they are unhygienic and will affect the sexual desire and health of both men and women.

2. Make contraceptive measures If both men and women do not want to have children immediately, and do not eat contraceptives, the couple both have concerns and the woman is more afraid of pregnancy. Therefore, the mind cannot be highly concentrated and sexual life will be affected. If the woman takes the contraceptive pill in time, or if the man puts on a condom, the two conveniences will not have concerns, and the concentration of energy will lead to satisfactory results in sexual life.

3. Closely cooperating and sympathizing with each other When starting a sexual life, both parties will be shy and shameful, especially if the woman is more obvious, the psychological state is more complicated, and the spirit is a bit nervous. You need to let your husband move lightly. You can try several more times at a time. The woman must also actively cooperate to overcome tension and fear, the spirit of active relaxation, sexual excitement evoked soon, vaginal secretions, good lubrication, can reduce the pain during sexual intercourse, but also can reduce the pain caused by hymen scratch.

4, to prevent damage to the broken hymen inflammation after the rupture of the hymen, some minor pain and a small amount of bleeding, should be wiped with sterile gauze or cotton wool, preferably every 2-3 days and then sexual intercourse to prevent wound inflammation. If the hymen ruptures and bleeds a lot, the pain is unbearable and you should seek medical attention.

5, the correct treatment of premature ejaculation first sexual intercourse, the man may be due to lack of knowledge or excessive excitement, premature ejaculation caused sexual intercourse failure. You should be forgiven for this situation. This is not a premature ejaculation. With the increase in sexual knowledge and sexual experience after marriage, both parties will work together in a tacit understanding and will soon return to normal.