Finger between women's clothing for you to do linen cloth

Shijiansha Women has always adhered to the style of combining fashion and leisure with Chinese ethnic elements and Southeast Asian elements. The design is known for its color, and it seeks harmony in contrasts, creating a feminine restrained feminine, romantic and elegant temperament. The material selection of the fabric is natural and comfortable, and more natural pure linen fabrics are used. After being processed, the garments are soft and friendly. "Making linen for you" has always been the service and creative concept of the sand.

The inter-fingered sand is an ethereal artistic conception. In the background of the vastness of the sky, there is something that is quiet, quietly lost, uncontrollable, and penetrates a little helplessness.

We came to this world and left our own past imprints such as photos, words, clothes, books, friends, love, sickness, such as pain, such as happiness. . . . . For example, there was no reason to feel distressed, once tolerance without preconditions. . . .

Everything is moving away, leaving behind the soul, and then trying to belong to the deep feelings and aesthetic imagery of art.

God gave us one life and one heart. Looking at your life and setting your heart is the greatest achievement.

Finger between women's clothing for you to do linen cloth

Good life, wisdom of mind, free mind, noble soul.

When we put the pursuit of excellence in the first place, love, and creation, everything else is just better and there are no by-products available. When our minds come out of the material and pursuing utilitarian bondage, there will be freedom and happiness in the products.

Like the natural and rustic spirit that comes from the sand all the way between the fingers, the linen will be restored to roughness. This kind of unique raw material expresses a simple heart, just like everything else in life is extraordinary, and finally it must return to ordinary life. The only thing is that the air, the sun, the health, the reproduction, and the ancient times have never changed.

In the process of creating linen, creating a brilliant color for the linen is a simple inner romance. The inner dream, growing in countless redness, finds harmony in comparison and gives ordinary life an introverted and soft, impassive and romantic, leisurely and elegant.

Finger between women's clothing for you to do linen cloth

The elements of Chinese nationality and Southeast Asian ethnicity that were incorporated in the creation, and even the indigenous elements of Central Africa, are intended to be the finishing touches after painting dragons. All the linen prints are independently developed, and under the specific theme of the season, different patterns are used to sing nature and life.

In the details of some personalities, hand-drawn flowers, hand-embroidered plants, and hand-dyeing techniques are just following a unique smell. In the crowd, at a glance, it is you.

All of the garments, each of which is washed, seemingly casual, are soft and loving hearts. Such simplicity, softness and beauty are actually only a simple happiness.

Finger between women's clothing for you to do linen cloth

Everything is dead, nothing is going on. What we can do is to keep our minds in our own ways. We are still naive in the vast experience of rolling. It is always simple to forgive the happiness of life without worldly corrosion.

This is the original intention of sand.

Finger sand women joined the phone
