Motivate your dealer

In modern marketing, the network as a carrier is increasingly relied on by the majority of merchants, especially those of consumer goods. And whether the network can operate normally, there is a key factor, that is, the distributors in the network can be consistent with the manufacturers in terms of ideas and interests. This is the key to whether the product can win.

In actual operation, the incentives for dealers are generally divided into four types:

First, time reward

Time reward is a way for enterprises to balance the interests of products in the off-season, so that dealers can form a continuous interest pursuit. Generally, time-based rewards, time deductions, and functional rewards are set for the month, season, year or special target market. Use it up; in the market period, the use of dealer time and financial resources can also be used separately. Time rewards are generally divided into regular continuous incentives and targeted temporary incentives. It is necessary to grasp the time period of the targeted temporary incentives, especially the incentives for the second batch of merchants. Generally, it is appropriate within two months. If the time is too long, it may cause psychological inertia, and it will not be able to get up.

Second, the function reward

1. Quantity Variety Award:

At the beginning of designing various rewards, we must consider the market conditions and staged operational objectives, and clarify what form to protect in the channel, what kind of sales position, what level of dealer interest and each level of space, and its long-term strategy. Consistent. Each merchant has its own special market design to match the market strategy at each stage. For example, the initial market demand, the mid-term attack on a certain brand, variety and enhanced market share, the later profit centerism, will inevitably operate at different stages. There are planned adjustments in quantity and variety. Because the design purpose of each product of the manufacturer is different, it is necessary to use the continuous and batch quantity rewards and special variety operation rewards in different stages, so that the merchants and manufacturers can reach the market at all stages of the market. Consistency with profits, but also for market changes.

2. Shop Exhibition Award:

At the time of product entry, it is necessary to evaluate the market capacity, network capacity and management capacity, and cooperate with the dealers to take the initiative to quickly deliver the goods to the terminal. At the same time, according to the situation, the factory should give appropriate subsidies for manpower and capacity, special distribution rewards and rewards for dealers to display products in suitable locations.

3. Network Maintenance Award:

In order to avoid the dealer's cargo detention and the lag of basic work, the sales volume of the products has shrunk. In addition to dispatching personnel to track and other measures, it can also reward the dealers to maintain an effective and adaptable network suitable for the products.

4. Price Credit Award:

Nowadays, many best-selling products have experienced the situation of dumping and chaos, which has led to the loss of profit space for all dealers. Therefore, in addition to the code of goods, contractual constraints, reasonable price design and strict market supervision, the price should also be at the price. The price credit award is set at the time of design as a regulation for the dealer. The award system should consider factors such as price difference, regional freight, manpower and sales volume.

5. Reasonable inventory award:

The dealer's inventory must be suitable for the local market capacity, considering the shipping cycle, cargo turnover rate and accidental safety reserves, to maintain the appropriate quantity and variety. In addition, reasonable inventory also plays a role in regulating dealers' funds, energy and use for me.

6. Cash prize:

To improve the company's capital turnover rate, the more customers who are close to the transaction period, the more favorable they are; on the contrary, the customers who exceed the critical point will be given interest penalties.

7. Collaboration Award:

It is an effective means to dilute the interests by setting up collaboration awards for business policy implementation, broad promotion and information feedback, and strengthening the relationship between manufacturers.

Third, fuzzy rewards

This award mainly refers to a kind of reward method implemented in some civilian consumer goods industries with large sales volume to prevent dealers from knowing the discount reserve price, making unfair price discounts, low-price competition, and disrupting market price space. The advantage is that it can effectively control the low price dumping of the dealer; the disadvantage is that the dealer is not clear about the reward, which weakens the purpose and the operability. This method is used more in enterprises that carry out large-scale production.

Fourth, cultural rewards

Observing astronomical changes in time, viewing humanities into the world, the source of the word culture, it shows that humans have deeper psychological needs.

People who are always in the society, in addition to the above incentives for dealers, should pay more attention to the cultural incentives for dealers. Small to a greeting card, a piece of gold, to stimulate their self-esteem, autonomy, to meet their deeper psychological needs, but also strengthen the long-term cooperative relationship between the two sides. Especially today, its self-esteem, credit, personality, values, and aesthetics can be the main points of cultural motivation. Abandoning the interests of business, diluting the subject and object, and creating a consistent pursuit of culture and personality in the consistency of interests, this should be a good all-incentive. Nowadays, enterprises pay great attention to short-term and shallow-level operations, and they are indifferent to the long-term deep resonance relationship. This is a big regret.

V. Ways of reward and delivery

Rewards are generally made up of cash, goods or gifts. Large dealers are more interested in the continuous deduction of longer periods, while the second batches with fewer distributions prefer direct rebates. They have a mantra. "A piece of the present, do not owe ten pieces," it is very indicative of its mentality. The form of rewards for dealers' rewards sometimes directly affects the price control of the market. Therefore, in the product design and operation of the products, it is necessary to reserve the price space and promotion means as a reserve team for market regulation. For the staged promotion of dealers, it is better to use promotional items instead of cash and goods to avoid price cuts in disguise; in addition, the operation time and route must be short and targeted.

In view of the fact that the second batch of merchants has no loyalty, speculation, and a group of short-sighted and crowded sales and rewards for the second batch, the first is to promptly and accurately deliver the rewards to the dealers at the promotion level to strengthen market management and personnel monitoring. Second, it is necessary to use the warehouse as a carrier to reach the second batch of suppliers, such as the box carrier and the tape directly under the award card. Companies should use a variety of methods to prevent the loss of rewards.

There is no fixed law and no fixed market law. The key is not to familiarize yourself with the promotion of a dry-type, but to understand the understanding of the operating object, the understanding of the objective environment, and the timing and rhythm of the market operation. Master a "degree" word and use resources to achieve market operation success.


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