Fabric knowledge of warm cashmere characteristics

Cashmere with irregular thin and deep curl, composed of scales and cortex, no medulla layer, scales density of about 60-70 / mm, the fiber cross-section is approximately circular, the diameter is smaller than the fine wool , The average fineness more in 14-16um, the fineness of the uneven rate of small, about 20%, the length is generally 35-45mm, strong elongation, moisture absorption is better than wool, set slender, thin, soft, slippery waxy, Warm in one. Medium fiber strength, elastic, and has a natural soft color. Cashmere is more sensitive to acids, alkalis and heat than fine wool. Fiber damage is significant even at lower temperatures and at lower concentrations of acids and lyes. It is particularly sensitive to chlorine-containing oxidants. First, slender, soft and warm. Cashmere is the finest kind of animal fibers, Albas cashmere fineness is generally between 13um-15.5um, natural curl, arranged in the spinning and weaving, good cohesion, so good warmth, wool 1.5-2 times. Cashmere fiber appearance of small and smooth scales, the middle of the fiber has an air layer, so its light weight, feel slippery waxy. Second, natural color soft. Cashmere fiber fineness and uniform, low density, cross-section and more for the regular round, strong hygroscopicity, can fully absorb the dye, not easy to fade. Compared with other fibers, cashmere has a natural gloss, soft, pure, bright and so on. Third, flexible, flexible. Cashmere fiber due to its crimp number, crimp rate, crimp recovery rate are large, suitable for processing to plump, soft, elastic good knitwear, comfortable to wear and natural, and has good reduction characteristics, especially after washing Shrink, good shape retention.

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